
alt text


  • Spec: https://cds-hooks.hl7.org/1.0/
  • Sandbox: http://sandbox.cds-hooks.org/
  • Quick Start: https://cds-hooks.org/quickstart/

CDS Service Discovery

GET {baseUrl}/cds-services

Response Body

services - An array of CDS Services

CDS Service:

Field Optionality Summary
hook REQUIRED hook this service should be invoked on
title RECOMMENDED human-friendly name of this service
description REQUIRED description of this service
id REQUIRED {id} portion of service URL: {baseUrl}/cds-services/{id}
prefetch OPTIONAL Object containing key/value pairs of FHIR queries that this service is requesting the CDS Client to include on service calls


  "services": [
      "hook": "hook-noun-verb",
      "title": "CDS Service Example",
      "description": "An example of a CDS Service that returns a card",
      "id": "patient-greeter",
      "prefetch": {
        "patientToGreet": "Patient/{{context.patientId}}"

CDS Service Request

POST {baseUrl}/cds-services/{id}

Request Body

Field Optionality Summary
hook REQUIRED hook that triggered this CDS Service call
hookInstance REQUIRED UUID for this hook call
fhirServer OPTIONAL base URL for CDS Client’s FHIR server
fhirAuthorization OPTIONAL structure with FHIR Authorization information for the above url
context REQUIRED hook-specific contextual data
prefetch OPTIONAL FHIR data prefetched by the CDS Client

FHIR Authorization

Field Optionality Summary
access_token REQUIRED OAuth 2.0 access token
token_type REQUIRED fixed value: Bearer
expires_in REQUIRED lifetime in seconds of the access token
scope REQUIRED scopes the access token grants to the CDS Service
subject REQUIRED OAuth 2.0 client id of the CDS Service’s auth server registration

Example ##

   "hook": "hook-noun-verb",
   "hookInstance": "d1577c69-dfbe-44ad-ba6d-3e05e953b2ea",
   "fhirServer": "https://fhir.client.com/version",
   "fhirAuthorization": {
      "access_token": "opaque-token",
      "...": "<snipped for brevity>"
   "context": {
      "userId": "Practitioner/example",
      "...": "<snipped for brevity>"
   "prefetch": {
      "patientToGreet": {
         "resourceType": "Patient",
         "...": "<snipped for brevity>"

CDS Service Response Body

Field Optionality Summary
cards REQUIRED an array of Cards with a combination of information, suggested actions, and links


Field Optionality Summary
summary REQUIRED <140-character summary sentence for display to the user inside of this card
detail OPTIONAL optional detailed information to display (GitHub Flavored Markdown)
indicator REQUIRED urgency/importance of what this card conveys (info/warning/critical)
source REQUIRED grouping structure for the Source of information displayed on this card
suggestions OPTIONAL array of Suggestions for changes in the context of the current activity
selectionBehavior OPTIONAL intended behavior of the suggestions. If suggestions present, value must be at-most-one
links OPTIONAL array of Links to suggest an app or other additional information


Field Optionality Summary
label REQUIRED short, human-readable label to display source of the card’s information
url OPTIONAL optional absolute URL to load to learn more about the organization or data set
icon OPTIONAL absolute url for an icon for the source of this card (100x100 pixel PNG without any transparent regions)


Field Optionality Summary
label REQUIRED human-readable label to display for this suggestion
uuid OPTIONAL unique identifier for auditing and logging suggestions
actions OPTIONAL array of suggested Actions (logically AND’d together)


Field Optionality Summary
type REQUIRED type of action being performed (create/update/delete)
description REQUIRED human-readable description of the suggested action
resource OPTIONAL FHIR resource to create/update or id of resource to delete
Field Optionality Summary
label REQUIRED human-readable label to display
url REQUIRED URL to GET when link is clicked
type REQUIRED type of the given URL (absolute/smart)
appContext OPTIONAL additional context to share with a linked SMART app


   "cards": [
         "summary": "<140 char Summary Message",
         "detail": "optional GitHub Markdown details",
         "indicator": "info",
         "source": {
            "label": "Human-readable source label",
            "url": "https://example.com",
            "icon": "https://example.com/img/icon-100px.png"
         "suggestions": [
               "label": "Human-readable suggestion label",
               "uuid": "e1187895-ad57-4ff7-a1f1-ccf954b2fe46",
               "actions": [
                     "type": "create",
                     "description": "Create a prescription for Acetaminophen 250 MG",
                     "resource": {
                        "resourceType": "MedicationRequest",
                        "...": "<snipped for brevity>"
         "links": [
               "label": "SMART Example App",
               "...": "<snipped for brevity>"